Watertown, Tennessee
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City of Watertown, Tennessee

Historic Watertown

Historic Watertown

Historic Watertown

Historic Watertown, Inc. is comprised of people who celebrate Watertown’s history and encourage the growth and economic development of this great community. We are dedicated to collecting and preserving the material culture and genealogy that illustrates the story of our city and of her people, and hope you will join us meeting these goals. We are a non-profit 501(c) (3), incorporated in January 1991. Our mission is to preserve and rehabilitate the rich architectural heritage of the City of Watertown and to provide opportunities to revitalize the economic foundation of our historic district.

Meeting Reminder: First Friday of every month @ 9:30 AM in the Watertown Library.
 - Evening Meetings quarterly, location and schedule TBA

PDF / Printable Membership Form

2024 Officers
President:  Timothy Dowd
Vice President:  Susan Thornton
Secretary:  Pam Wiggins
Treasurer:  Vickie Frazier

Facebook: Watertown, TN History, Legends & Lore

Historic District Information

Since 1991, we, in cooperative efforts with the City of Watertown and the Watertown-East Wilson County Chamber of Commerce, have made great progress. Past major projects include having the Watertown Square placed on the National Register of Historic Places, commencing work on a Railroad Park, establishing a railroad siding and lighting, and restoring our Town Square with sidewalks and lights.

Historic Watertown sponsors the Big Hill Challenge the second Saturday in June each year.  The ride offers a 16 mile, 1/2 metric - 30 miles, metric 62 miles, and century-100 mile course through the scenic and rural country side.

Historic Watertown opened the Atwood Welcome Center in 1995.  The displays in the Archives, located in the Welcome Center, offer insight into the town's military, business, and educational history. The Welcome Center also offers convenient restroom facilities for the town's visitors. Historic Watertown continues to maintain the Welcome Center and make additions to the displays. If you have any pictures that you think would be appropriate for display in the archives please contact 615-697-3171 or email Historic Watertown: Historic@WatertownTN.com.

We all have affection for the town we grew up in or have adopted as our own. We want you to share in Watertown’s success by becoming a member of Historic Watertown, Inc. You can download a membership form here (PDF file format requires Adobe Reader). Also, please join us for our monthly meetings – Historic Watertown, Inc. meets the first Friday morning of each month in the Watertown-Wilson County Library. Watertown is "Right on Track" and "Still Rolling Ahead" – and we’d like you to join us for the ride.

P.O. Box 351
Watertown, TN 37184


Past officers:

2021-2022 Officers
President:  Susan Thornton
Vice President:  John Cisco
Secretary: Lynn Daugherty
Treasurer:  Becky Taylor

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