Watertown, Tennessee
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City of Watertown, Tennessee



Wilson County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff: Robert C. Bryan

Sheriff's Office
Fax: 615-444-WCSO (9276)

Wilson County Jail

Narcotics Division
Fax: 615-453-6056

Detective Division
Fax: 615-453-3406

Crime Stoppers

The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the County by State Statute. His responsibilities include law enforcement, administration of the Jail, Superintendent of the Work House, and security of the Courts. Law enforcement covers a large scale of duties including prevention and investigation of crimes on persons and property, service of civil and criminal warrants, and patrolling of county and state roadways.

Responsibilities of the Jail covers a broad area of duties which include housing of misdemeanor and felony prisoners, and supervision of the workhouse and inmate garden.of the Jail, Superintendent of the Work House and security of the Courts. Law enforcement covers a large scale of duties including prevention and investigation of crimes on persons and property, service of civil and criminal warrants, and patrolling of county and state roadways.

The Sheriff’s Office has 240 sworn officers and patrols approximately 583 square miles, with a estimated population of 115,000 citizens, and does not include the thousands of persons who travel through Wilson County on a daily basis for work, shopping, and recreation. The Wilson County Sheriffs Office and Jail is located in the Wilson County Criminal Justice Complex.

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