Chamber Bylaws
Bylaws as amended 2009
Watertown, Tennessee
Approved by Executive Committee
November 03, 2009
Approved by Membership
December 1, 2009
Article I: GENERAL
Section 1. Name
This association shall be known as the Watertown/East Wilson County Chamber of Commerce.
Section 2. Object
This chamber is organized to promote business and economic growth.
Section 1. Eligibility
Any reputable person or business with an active interest in the stated objectives of the chamber shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2. Dues
Annual dues shall be $45 individuals or non-profit organizations, $75 with 1 to 5 employees, $95 for more than five employees. Members with second business receive ½ price dues on second business.
Section 3. Voting
A membership may represent one vote. If more than one person is in attendance with a membership they will have to designate the voter.
Section 1. Quorum requires a majority of the executive board members be present.
Section 1. Nominating Committee
In October, the President will designate a nominating committee of three members. The committee will make a report and officers will be elected in November.
Section 2. Duties
• President and Chairman of the Board: The President shall be the head of the chamber and shall preside at all meetings of the membership and executive committee; with the approval of the executive committee, the President shall name standing committee chairpersons and special committees. A President may only serve two consecutive terms. .
• Vice President: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer, and shall serve as Program Chairperson. The Vice President may only serve two consecutive terms. The Vice President shall assist the President in his/her duties and serve as liaison for the City Council.
• Recording Secretary: The Secretary shall keep written minutes of all chamber meetings.
• Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence.
• Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping records of all chamber funds and dispersing those funds as directed by the membership; the Treasurer shall present a financial report at monthly meetings.
Executive Director: This is an optional position. The Executive Director will be responsible for the identification of Chamber and community needs and for assisting the Board of directors in preparing a program of work designed to meet those needs. The position can be elected if the Executive Officers feel more help is required in their assigned duties. If the Executive board feels there is a need for an Executive Director, the then current policy for filling an empty position will be initiated. Duties to be reassigned if position filled.
The duties and responsibilities previously required of the Executive Director will now fall to the appropriate Chamber Executives as follows.
Committees: Creation/dissolution of committees will be done by majority approval of the Executive Board, and committees will be appointed and filled by the Executive Board. Management of all committees will be the joint responsibility of the Executive Board. The President will call for reporting from each committee head at regular meetings, or as circumstances require.
Motivation of Volunteers: Volunteers will primary be motivated and organized through committees relevant to the specific purpose of the volunteer actions. If a committee is not already in place, all Executive board members will take responsibility in overseeing volunteer projects.
Materials and Products: The Corresponding Secretary will maintain all chamber materials related to regular operations, including brochures, flyers, business cards, letterhead envelopes, etc. Committees may require additional supplies to facilitate their specific purpose. In those instances the committee head will be responsible for maintaining supplies specific to their event or purpose and reporting use or purchase of materials and products to the Executive board and chamber members.
Community Involvement: The President will represent the Chamber in all official community involvement and communication. The Vice President will assist as needed. For unofficial community involvement, all active chamber members are expected to maintain positive involvement with the community.
Member and Public Relations: The President will be responsible for communication of previously approved Chamber positions to the membership and general public at public meeting and presentations. The Vice-President will assist as needed. Correspondence, official publications, new releases, and reports to the general membership will be organized by the Corresponding Secretary. Financial reporting including monthly activity, budgeting, and year end reports to the Executive Board and to the general membership will be handled by the Treasurer. All public positions, communications, and correspondence require approval of the Executive Board.
• Membership Chairpersons will be responsible for contacting all new businesses and informing them about the chamber.
• Other standing committee chairpersons and special committees will be named by the President and Executive Board as needed.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and standing committee chairpersons. The committee will meet as often as needed.
Section 1. Approval
All proposed amendments to these bylaws shall first receive the approval of the Executive Committee and then passed by a quorum in a regular meeting.
Section 2. Revisions
These bylaws may be amended or altered by a quorum vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the chamber.
Section 3. Special Memberships
Honorary Membership (may be awarded to non chamber members) Individuals with exceptional service to the community and distinction in public affairs for the Watertown East Wilson County Chamber of Commerce shall be eligibility for honorary membership. Honorary membership shall have all the privileges of members, except the right to vote and shall be exempt from payment of dues. A majority vote from the members shall confer or revoke honorary membership. Honorary membership is limited to one year.
Lifetime Membership (limited to chamber members only) Lifetime membership may be bestowed upon an individual who has distinguished himself or herself in public affairs for the Watertown East Wilson County Chamber of Commerce. Said member shall have all the privileges of membership, except the right to vote, and shall be exempt from payment of dues. The membership by majority vote of the chamber is required for this honor. The lifetime membership shall be given to a person or persons who have supported, invested and participated in dedicated service to the Watertown East Wilson Chamber of Commerce for a minimum of ten years